by bridgewayts | Apr 25, 2013 | Phase I IOP Group
Homework for week of April 29 – May 3 Please read Chapter 3 and complete exercises in the green book Contemplate the black book, as well as reading it…start completing some of the exercises Write a letter (1-2 pages) explaining what you are getting out of...
by bridgewayts | Mar 21, 2013 | Phase I IOP Group
Assignment for week of 03/25 through 03/29 Read and complete all exercises in Chapter 9 (green book) Catch up in the black book (those of you who are almost done with phase I…) Read your daily sheets and come to group on Tuesday prepared to discuss one of them...
by bridgewayts | Mar 20, 2013 | Phase I IOP Group
Assignment for week of 03/18 through 03/22 Read and complete all exercises in Chapter 8 (green book) Make sure you’re up to date in the black book (if you’re almost done with IOP, you should be almost done with black book) 🙂 Read your daily sheets and come...
by bridgewayts | Mar 7, 2013 | Phase I IOP Group
Assignment for week of March 11 – March 15 Finish reading and completing assignments in Chapter 7 (green book) Keep yourself up to date in the (black book), it would be wise to be “about at the same place in that one as we are in the green one” 🙂...
by bridgewayts | Feb 21, 2013 | Phase I IOP Group
Homework assignment for week of 02/25/13-03/01/13 Keep a running log of any overwhelming emotions you experience. When you find yourself experiencing an overwhelming emotion, document what the event is that triggers the emotion. Note the actual event, not your...
by bridgewayts | Feb 19, 2013 | Phase I IOP Group
Assignment for the week of February 18 – 22 Chapter Six Basic Emotion Regulation Skills First half of Chapter 6 to be completed by Tuesday evening, second half of Chapter 6 to be completed by Thursday This means that any exercises that require client...